A second blog from DaaD vzw. A bit different in content.

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Roger Weiss

Roger Weiss: “I capture fragments about the human tragedy, documenting failures and yearnings, weaknesses and strengths, pains and joys, rights violated and rights upheld. “

 gum bichromate print

Roger Weiss is a Swiss-born fashion and art photographer. "The society creates and destroys models in the interest of a few. It’s everyone’s responsibility to find or create alternatives.

Suspension explores our social fragmentation." 

Friday, 8 November 2013

Dimitris Papaioannou and Michael Theophanous

Primal Matters is a work in constant progress, a performance by Dimitris Papaioannou and Michael Theophanous. A never-ending dialogue between two bodies. One black and one white, one dressed and one naked. Spiked with humour and sarcasm, Michelangelo's models come to mind.

Elina Kountouri: "Primal Matter offers a universal language of decoding, and a shortcut to the truth - the fusion of the two bodies through optical illusions is a fusion of attitudes, of identities and a struggle between the matter and the mind, the shadow and the light, the creator and their creation."

Friday, 1 November 2013

Sarah Moon

''Very often I say to myself: I would like to make a photo where nothing happens. But in order to eliminate, there has to be something to begin with. For nothing to happen, something has to happen first.''  - Sarah Moon.

With her distinctive style Moon freezes drama and mood in her own unique style. According to The Independent, has “the power to bewitch”. And she does so by capturing the decisive moment and enable the viewer to be a witness of her own fantasies.

 I remember this to be the first picture by Sarah Moon to stick
                               in my mind. It still is an amazing work of art.

“I don't really like colour,” she has said. “To make it work for me, I have to mess with it. I believe that the essence of photography is black and white. Colour is but a deviance.”