"Red Riding Hood Visits Chernobyl"
The swimming pool. The Shooting Company of Frans Banning Cocq and Willem van Ruytenburch
so-called The Night Watch. Rembrandt.
Born in Kiev, Ukraine. Multidisciplinary artist developing photo projects, he started out as a painter and now constructs his work as if it were painted pictures. Inspired by the art works of great painters, he creates tableaus with an ironic twist and a rather sensual air. "Tchernobyl Piece Blue" and "Red Riding Hood Visits Chernobyl" are only two projects from a large portfolio by French based
Anton Solomoukha.
"Tchernobyl Piece Blue" PIESSE-BLEAU-NB-N°1
"Tchernobyl Piece Blue" PIESSE-BLEAU-NB-N°3
"Tchernobyl Piece Blue" PIESSE-BLEAU-NB-N°4
"Tchernobyl Piece Blue" PIESSE-BLEAU-NB-N°5
"Red Riding Hood Visits Chernobyl"
Blue room. Mona Lisa di Antonio Maria Gherardini del Giocondo: Leonardo da Vinci
"Red Riding Hood Visits Chernobyl"
The swimming pool. Mercury and the Three Graces: Tintoretto
Les Menines