A second blog from DaaD vzw. A bit different in content.

Monday, 22 September 2014

Bart Ramakers

Belgian photographer born in 1963. 'Caught in a Tale' starts as follows: "For, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. But hark, those with sensible eyes be warned! There are artistic and even some explicit nude pictures below."
Beautiful worked out pictures, intriguing and amusing at the same time. Inspired by tales and old masters, Bart Ramakers is showing a whole new creative world. Finding new details with every glance,     trying to unravel the story he tries to tell...

Bart Ramakers at work.

"Pastorale" Making of Photoshoot Bart Ramakers from Bart Grinaert on Vimeo.

Saturday, 6 September 2014

Julian Baker

Artist and writer Julian Baker can be followed on twitter, facebook, tumblr and on his blog. Personally I find his blog most enjoyable. His colorful photographic work is amusing, his models authentic and you just got to love his backgrounds.
In Julian's words:'Once upon a time I took photos for record sleeves. Now concentrating on portraits about what it means to be nude, to be seen naked, the nature of our skin. I shoot on medium-format film only. I want to create images that look back at the viewer upsetting their preconceptions of 'art nudes'.
You don't need that perfect (photoshopped) body to appear in Julian Baker's art work, and that is what makes his work reel and inspiring.