A second blog from DaaD vzw. A bit different in content.

Monday, 20 October 2014

Michael Ezra

Based in New York but born in Tbilisi, Georgia. Classical softly lighted nudes are his trademark. Michael Ezra's models look at ease in these beautiful sculpture like poses. Capturing the right moment is essential in most of his work, showing the beauty and power of the human form.

Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Hilo Chen

Born in Yee-Lum, Taiwan (1942). Hilo Chen is a photorealistic painter of the female sunbathing figure. Most of his works are called beach or bathroom followed by a number. Being one of the first photorealistic painter, his large, slightly erotic paintings are in major museum collections throughout the world. The skin tones and the sweat pearls are superb, Hilo Chen definitly likes bikinis

Friday, 3 October 2014

Anton Solomoukha

"Red Riding Hood Visits Chernobyl" 
The swimming pool. The Shooting Company of Frans Banning Cocq and Willem van Ruytenburch
 so-called The Night Watch. Rembrandt.

Born in Kiev, Ukraine. Multidisciplinary artist developing photo projects, he started out as a painter and now constructs his work as if it were painted pictures. Inspired by the art works of great painters, he creates tableaus with an ironic twist and a rather sensual air. "Tchernobyl Piece Blue" and "Red Riding Hood Visits Chernobyl" are only two projects from a large portfolio by French based Anton Solomoukha.

"Tchernobyl Piece Blue" PIESSE-BLEAU-NB-N°1 

"Tchernobyl Piece Blue" PIESSE-BLEAU-NB-N°3

"Tchernobyl Piece Blue" PIESSE-BLEAU-NB-N°4

"Tchernobyl Piece Blue" PIESSE-BLEAU-NB-N°5

"Red Riding Hood Visits Chernobyl"  
Blue room. Mona Lisa di Antonio Maria Gherardini del Giocondo: Leonardo da Vinci 

"Red Riding Hood Visits Chernobyl"  
The swimming pool. Mercury and the Three Graces: Tintoretto

Les Menines